Saving Is Boring...

Or more accurately; saving is being boring.

I'd hardly get any likes instagramming myself sewing holes in my socks so they last longer, making long sleeve shirts into short sleeves (I have pointy elbows) or turning jeans into jorts (never again). But it's one of the many unglamorous habits you might have if you save. And I've come to love all these little mundane habits because I believe the saving is worth it. 

Plot twist: I don't actually think saving is boring; I think it's fun. Besides, if you want to have more money, spending less will net more gains than trying earning more in the short-mid term. It's exciting that subtle changes in spending behaviour and attitude to money can make a huge impact financially, allow you to take mini retirements or live debt and credit free. Saving is a means to freedom. I've found that shifts in my perspective mean that cutting costs and working to save a higher percentage of my income doesn’t feel like I'm missing out. 

Buying my own home (likely solo) is one reason I put so much stock in fiscal responsibility.

Why is saving boring though?

It's boring to always eat in before you meet friends so you don't eat out (as much).

It's boring having soft drinks/cheap cider when your friends are drinking expensive cocktails

It's boring to ride your motorbike smoothly and sensibly to get better economy than racing around all the time (I still race around, but only on the best of roads)

It's boring to stick to your shopping list and not impulse buy on your food shop

It's boring to downsize to a more budget brand rather than upgrade to a more exclusive brand

It's boring to realise that what you have is plenty and to make do for a while longer

It's boring to only buy new shoes when needed, and not whenever you want

It's boring to wait a week before committing to an online purchase (but they might send a discount if you leave it in your basket)

It's boring to unsub from online discount emails

It's boring to scour discount shops to find the same items but cheaper

I don't find any of the above boring. They're satisfying and rewarding in their own way. By eating at home before meeting friends, I might discover new recipes that I enjoy cooking and eating.

Equally, I might go out with friends and just order something small to fill me up rather than eating more than I need because I'm socialising.

With saving I think generally everyone (almost) can cut something. It's not about cutting everything back you possibly could (unless you prefer to do so) but about having an unbalanced life. You might reduce the cost of 75% of what you do, but 25% of your activities or hobbies you let yourself splurge on. Spending where you get the most joy.

I generally accept the costs associated with motorcycling because I really enjoy it (it's had a hugely positive impact in my life), but I'm happy to eat cheaply, use non-brand hygiene products, go without netflix and much more. If I wanted to cut the cost of motorcycling further then I could; usually there is always a way to save a little more. I've found that sometimes a downsize on paper doesn't really diminish the experience.


Basically saving is about smart, but uneventful choices and happens mostly in the minutiae of life.

I've been reading a lot about budgeting, saving and investing lately. I'm considering writing about those topics and I notice that many of the blogs I've encountered are US based and tend to be (what I would consider) higher earners, with more assets or capital behind them. The rules of saving smartly I believe are pretty much universal; but it might be nice to have a more 'down to earth' point of view.

Where do you start if you're NOT earning a six-figure dollar salary, with no side gigs or existing home to rent out? With the basics I suppose. I'll leave this topic of thought for another time. This is meant to be a design blog afterall ;)

Hope you're having a great week,


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